Instructional Demos

Chi Square | Confidence Intervals | Correlation/Regression | Descriptive Statistics | Effect Size | Normal Distribution | Probability | Sampling Distributions | Significance Testing

Descriptive Statistics

Mean and Median
Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics


Normal Distribution

Normal approximation to binomial
Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics

Sampling Distribution Simulation
Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics

Normal approximation to the binomial
by Berrie Zeilman

Normal distribution movie, Interactive graph of normal distribution
by Berrie Zielman

Normal distribution
by Kyle Siegrist

Central limit theorem
by Berrie Zielman


Components of r

Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics

Regression by eye

Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics

Restriction of range

Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics

Reliability and regression analysis

Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics

Linear regression
by Charles Stanton

Correlation demo
by P. B. Stark

Regression applet
by Webster West

Guessing correlations
by Stat Dept, U. of Illinois

Put points
by Stat Dept, U. of Illinois

Bivariate normal, Sample correlation and regression
by Kyle Siegrist



Normal approximation to binomial
Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics

Bayes' theorem
by John Pezzullo

Lets make a deal game
by Webster West

Lets make a deal game
by Stat Dept, U. of Illinois

Binomial distribution
by B. Narasimhan

Binomial distribution
by Berrie Zielman

Normal approximation to binomial
by Keith Dear

Normal approximation to the binomial
by Berrie Zeilman

Dice rolling simulation
by Charles Stanton

Hypergeometric distribution
by Charles Stanton

Poisson distribution
by Charles Stanton

Probability spaces, Combinatorics, Distributions, Expected value
by Kyle Siegrist

Sampling Distributions

Sampling Distribution Simulation
Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics

Box Models
by Project Links probability and statistics group

Dice rolling simulation(Can be used to demonstrate the central limit theorem.)
by Charles Stanton

The sample mean
by Kyle Siegrist

Confidence Intervals

Confidence intervals
Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics

Confidence interval on a proportion
Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics

Confidence interval applet
by Webster West

Confidence intervals for means
by Charles Stanton

Interval estimatin
by Kyle Siegrist

Chi Square

Chi Square test of deviations from expected frequencies
Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics

Chi Square

by Stat Dept., U. of Illinois

Chi Square distribution
by Kyle Siegrist

Effect Size

A small effect can make a large difference
by David Lane

Significance testing

Tests of proportions
by Charles Stanton

Top of this page

Chi Square | Confidence Intervals | Correlation/Regression | Descriptive Statistics | Effect Size | Normal Distribution | Probability | Sampling Distributions | Significance Testing